Planning Workshop on Impact-Based Forecasting (IBF) and Climate Services

DAY 1: Tuesday 21st January
Agenda ItemTimingModerator/Speaker/Presenter(s)Content
Session Chair: Ms. Helen Caughey, UKMO
Welcome Remarks9:00-9:15Dr. K.J. Ramesh, RIMES
Mr. David Corbelli, UKMO
Introductions9:15-9:45Mr. Raihanul Haque Khan, RIMES- Participant and facilitator's introductions
Workshop Overview and Objectives9:45-10:15RIMES/Met Office- Ensure broad framing and
awareness of SAHF
- EC declaration/s, SAHF IV
outcomes and
Coffee Break10:15-10:30
Progress of Regional and National plans and priorities for IBF development10:30-12:30IBF WG leads

RIMES / World Bank / University of Salford

RIMES / Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Maldives Myanmar Pakistan Sri Lanka
- Review of current IBF WG priorities

- Review of available DSS to support IBF

- Decision Support Systems and the Link to IBF

- Poster presentations

- Interactive Session: Potential solutions to crowdsourcing challenges identified
Session Chair: Dr. Anshul Agarwal, RIMES
Progress of Regional and National plans and priorities for IBF Development (continuation)13:30-15:30All- Conclusion of ‘posters’ if any still outstanding.
- Breakout interactive session on crowd sourcing potential solutions to challenges identified in the posters.
- Facilitation of poster discussion session.
Regional and national coordination with institutions supporting SAHF and other fora/platforms in the SAHF geography16:00-17:00Dr. Giriraj Amarnath, Principal Researcher Disaster Risk Management and Climate Resilience, IWMI

Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief, Disaster Risk Reduction ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Dr. Jothiganesh Shanmugasundaram, Regional Technical Lead, WFP

Mr. Birendra Bajracharya, Project Coordinator; Chief of Party-SERVIR-HKH, ICIMOD

Dr. Senaka Basnayake, Director for the Climate Resilience Department, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
- Brief presentations

- The AWARE Platform: Bridging Gaps in Early Warning and Anticipatory Action by Dr. Giriraj Amarnath

- ESCAP’s Technical Assistance to SAHF by Dr. Sanjay Srivastava

- WFP supported IBF and Climate Services activities in South Asia by Dr. Jothiganesh Shanmugasundaram

- ICIMOD9s experience in Early Warning and Impact Based
Forecasting by Mr. Birendra Bajracharya

- ADPC engagement in strengthening IBF & CS in the region by Dr. Senaka Basnayake