Planning Workshop on Impact-Based Forecasting (IBF) and Climate Services

The South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF) will host the Planning Workshop on Impact- Based Forecasting (IBF) and Climate Services in Bangkok from January 21–24, 2025. This event will convene key stakeholders to advance regional efforts in managing extreme weather events and enhancing resilience to climate change across South Asia.

The workshop will focus on strengthening regional frameworks and fostering collaboration among National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and other partners. It builds on strategic priorities identified during the 3rd SAHF Executive Council Meeting (December 2023) and the SAHF IV Conference (February 2024).

Focus Areas:

  1. Impact-Based Forecasting (IBF): Development of comprehensive regional strategies, pilot projects, and toolkits to improve early warning systems and disaster preparedness.
  2. Climate Services: Enhancing regional understanding and frameworks to support climate-informed decision-making and sustainable development

The workshop is supported by leading technical partners, including the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES), the UK Met Office, and the World Bank, reinforcing SAHF’s mission to promote regional collaboration and resilience-building.

To enhance coordination in managing extreme weather-triggered disasters, and support resilience to climate change in the region, it is crucial for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in South Asia to work closely together. The South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF) facilitates regional collaboration among its member countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System(RIMES) is the technical secretariat to the SAHF . The 3rd SAHF Executive Council meeting (December 2023) and subsequent SAHF IV conference (February 2024, see Annex A) agreed to deepen and broaden its activities in priority areas, including Impact Based Forecasting (IBF) and climate services. The SAHF IBF Working Group (WG), established in 2021 provides a mechanism to support regional training, learning and knowledge exchange amongst NMHSs and key users of services across South Asia.

Impact Based Forecasting: Development and capacity building of IBF approaches has been identified as one of the key priorities for SAHF. Since 2019 a number of partner initiatives such as UK MET Office through the UK Government funded Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC) and World Bank through SAHF Phase 1 and CARE Project have been supporting SAHF IBF. Based on agreements of the SAHF IBF WG meeting (Bangkok, Thailand, 31 July 2024) and climate services side session at SAHF IV (Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8 February 2024) the proposed IBF Workshop to be held in Bangkok from 21-24 January 2025 with support from the Met Office Weather and Climate Services (WISER) Asia Pacific programme (under the UK Government Climate Action for a Resilient Asia initiative) will have following objectives and outcomes.

Climate services: A newer priority for SAHF is the enhancement of climate services in the region. During SAHF IV, a side session on climate services, led by the UK Met Office in partnership with RIMES, explored the status, needs, and priorities for a climate services component in SAHF. While there is a clear requirement, more exploration is needed to understand how a SAHF climate services element (and potential working group) will operate and align with related regional mechanisms such as SASCOF.


  • Further develop key priorities for the IBF working group, informed by strategic direction from the SAHF EC, outcomes of SAHF IV, and subsequent priorities identified by the working group.
  • Take stock of IBF development, needs, opportunities and priorities in SAHF Member Countries, with a view to piloting common hazard/s and approaches across the region.
  • Translate priorities into a clear implementation plan(s) for the SAHF IBF working group to enable allocation of partner / program resources over 2025-28.
  • Agree roles of SAHF IBF WG member countries, regional and international partners in supporting delivery of the IBF implementation plans.
  • Initiate development of toolkit approach to support the design, development, implementation and sustainability of IBFEWS in the region, under SAHF.
  • Ensure IBF priorities align with and where relevant support the objectives of other SAHF working groups including climate services.
Agenda ItemModeratorRemarks
Workshop introduction and
scene setting
Met Office, RIMES
(Discussion to be led by EC Chairs)
Overview of workshop
objectives and expected
outcomes, including
motivation for linking IBF and
climate services
Review of SAHF drivers and
commitments for IBFEWS
RIMESCovering EC declaration/s,
SAHF IV outcomes, FF and IBF
WG discussions
Identification of regional and
national priorities for IBF
RIMES or SAHF IBF WG cochairsReview of current IBF WG work
plan (or needs, priorities
reported to last EC meeting.
Stock-take of IBF development
in SAHF Member Countries.

Requires input from all SAHF
Member Countries –
opportunity for interactive or
breakout sessions to discuss
specific areas, needs or
Agenda ItemModeratorRemarks
IBF WG work plan
Met Office, RIMESReview and summary from day
Interactive sessions aiming to
frame broad activities and
priorities for next 2 years
(2025-26) with line of sight to
next 5 years.

Needs to agree roles and
responsibilities of all.

Needs to consider key
stakeholders to be involved at
regional-national levels. How
do we engage e.g., NDMOs,
user sectors, community
representatives etc.

Suggest a session on
interaction with other SAHF
WGs – with representation at
Agenda ItemModeratorRemarks
IBF framework and toolkit
Met Office, RIMESIntroduction of IBF toolkit

Demonstration and training in
toolkit application.
Prioritising piloting and
knowledge sharing
Development of common
hazard/s for IBF piloting.

Consideration of needs for
specific geographies, subregions.
DAY 4 (Climate Services)
Agenda ItemModeratorRemarks
Introduction and further scene
Met Office, RIMESExploring climate services in SA
and links between IBF and
climate services
Deep dive: discussion of the
SAHF IV Climate Services
session recommendations
Met Office, RIMESOverview of priorities and
recommendations that came
out of the SAHF IV side session
Perspectives and priorities
from regional institutions
Met Office, RIMESOpportunity for organizations
to share perspectives on
Climate Services in SA and the
A collective vision for climate
Services in SAHF
Met Office, RIMESExploration session: What do
climate services look like in SA?
What could be the role of a
climate services WG in SAHF?
Agreement and actionsMet Office, RIMESPrioritizing next steps. Drafting
a proposal to deliver to SAHF


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